Monday, February 25, 2008 Y 8:25 PM hehe. i'm like posting thic cos it'll be like really long if i tagg :) haha. oh, and i think u need to click play for the song to play. wahahaha. SUPER EXCITED ABT OLJ!!!! YAY. its in 1 day! omgosh. so fast. hehe. HAPPINESS. just plucked out 2 teeth today. and it hurt :( to chloe: don't be so sad abput all your studies and like ur sports and all ok? must learn to relax and enjoy life! :) haha. and goo. you're finally HAPPY! haha. must learn from me. do not count my "depressed" times. hehe. abnd must be positive! you're gonna be going to the most wonderful OLJ :D hehe. HAVE FUN ppl! cos i noe i'm going to! hehe. i'm gonna be in KL from like wed- fri :D Sunday, February 24, 2008 Y 3:40 PM Hello! wahahahaha. i am so happy! yeah yeah, ALL THE COMMON TESTS ARE OVER!!! haha. other than chinese i guess. well, yesterday, i went to the indoor stadium for thinking day! haha, i think the things that went on in the morning was one of the most triring and evenful ever. i had to tie plaits, and then like wear the full uniform, and i went home twice!!! haha. cos i forgot to bring stuff. so i went home, but i still forgot stuff :) THINKING DAY WAS FUN! hehe. we had the like song sessions! the brownies cheer is the cutest! it is... "we are the brownies" clap clap clap clap clap "we will be guides soon" clap clap clap clap clap "ooooooh. yeah!" see? so cute!!! haha. and like for PNA, coy 1 got GOLD!!! YAY after that we went for dinner. hehe. cos its was like darel gor gor's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAREL GOR GOR! haha. the food was good! :D hehe. i just attached e song! so now i have a blog song :) Tuesday, February 19, 2008 Y 5:53 PM hello! haha. today was not a very good day. haha. to tell the truth, it was actually very very BAD! ah ah ah. well, i sorry, but SOMEONE, this MEAN MEAN person, LOCKED MY BAG IN THE CLASS! yes, yes, and well, I TOTALLY FREAKED OUT!!! cos my whole bag was inside. and my class ppl just left! so i like was so so so stressed and sad. haha. it was bad. haha. and like i decided to wait for the aunty. haha. luckily wen xin accompanied me so i was talking to her. haha. for close to an hour. hehe. I LOVE YOU WEN XIN! she is so nice. like i noe i can count on her :) hehe. and like in the end, i waited but i didn't see her! yeah, then i couldn't be bothered anymore so i just went home. without my bag. haha. so well, i can't do anything at all. yeah yeah, that kinda sucks. haha. like all my homework will pile up. but i guess it could be worst. thank you God. Friday, February 15, 2008 Y 8:06 PM hehe. YAY. i finally changed my skin! haha. i like it :) Thursday, February 14, 2008 Y 8:14 PM hehe. HAPPY VALENITINE'S DAY EVERYONE!!!! wahahaha. spread the LOVE to everyone! hehe. YAY. i am so so so super happy! hehe i love valentine's day. hehe apart from the fact that like we had science test in the morning. well, to tell ya, the truth, i couldn't really care. haha. i was way too high! hehe. YAY. syifa too :) hehe. oh oh oh. THANKS everyone who gave me prezzies! it means a lot! hehe. and like i have so many goodies to eat already! haha. i love it. thank you 2P ppl, guides ppl, ixora! hehe. I AM SO SUPER HAPPY! yeah yeah yeah. haha. like after that, me and sabby were like bored. hehe. and well, maths is just so sad. hehe. so i had like mayo fries with sabby and then went to her house! hehe. it was fun! but well, i had an introduction of well, almost all of her stuff. WAHAAHAHAHA. okies, tomorrow is maths test day! and also like total defence day. haha, which means bad. haha. but it will be quite good i guess :) YAY. I LOVE YOU ALL! :D Tuesday, February 12, 2008 Y 9:32 PM hey! haha. i am like really super stressed out now! AH AH AH. hahas. because i have like my guides knotters test tomorrow! and like another 2 tests. which bascially means a dead dead me. sigh haha. but i will jia you! must stay positive! haha :) YAY. i will do my best :D Monday, February 11, 2008 Y 4:07 PM hello hello! haha. i like haven't posted in e long long time. haha. been kinda busy lately... haha. like CHINESE NEW YEAR WAS WONDERFUL! so very very fun! hehe i love new year. went back to ynps! and i aslo had vistation. and GAMBLING! wahahahaha. but yeah. it was great :):):) hehe. like i'm so so busy now. way lot of homework, and then so many guides stuff! and also tests coming already. i have like science on thu and maths on fri. haha. VALENTINE'S DAY IS COMING! woohoo! but then i have to buy so many prezzies. haha. but i will get for most ppl ya. i like prepares some already :) YAY ps: i bought a FF bear! HAHA. I AM SO HAPPY :D Saturday, February 2, 2008 Y 1:40 PM oops. that was a little too crude. haha. i'm ok already. haha oh, and i LOVE it now. CLASS DECO IS FINALLY OVER! and the class deco looks wonderful :) oh and thanks to a lot a lot of ppl thank you: shirlene, sabrina, huay wen, yun yun, priyanka, siti, vivienne, nanthini, ying xin, shalom, aerilynn, rebecca, abigail, pei xuan, clara, isabel, krittika, natasha, noorul, syifa, sarah, nora... haha. basically the whole class. sorry if i missed anyone out. haha. LOVE 2P! "unleash the power in YOU! " tag replies :) hoe kang: ahaha. sorry. haha. YAY. but the design is finished now! haha. and no, u don't need a good afternoon sam: haha. yeah. I LOVE HAN'S yang: hahas. yup. i think so. but still very FUN :) haha. but have so so many things we have to do rebecca: haha. HI to you too! hahas. thanks for tagging :D syifa: yup yup. me elmo :) YAY sab: hehe. WOOHOO! ahaha. elmo club Friday, February 1, 2008 Y 11:33 PM I AM PISSED. SUPER DUPER PISSED. THERE ARE SHITTY IRRESPONSIBLE PEOPLE AND I CANNOT STAND IT. |
Boom. Its ME ![]() I'm Dawn and I love to SMILE:) 29091994 VJC 09v11:] HAHAHA. ShoutMix chat widget Friends 6a ♥ 6A FORUM ♥ 2POWER ♥ GUIDES :D ♥ IXORA! ♥ VOLUX ♥ 09v11! ♥ 08v11 ♥ FLOORBALL ♥A bigail ♥ Alice ♥ Ashikin ♥ Beaunice ♥ Cassandra ♥ Charmanine ♥ Cheng Hong ♥ Chi Yan ♥ Chloe ♥ Christine ♥ Chun Shu ♥ Clara ♥ Hoe Kang ♥ HuayWen ♥ Irene ♥ Jerlene ♥ Jian You ♥ Jia Yan ♥ Jie Pin ♥ Jolene ♥ Justin ♥ Lin Hui ♥ Li Xin ♥ Lorraine ♥ Mandy ♥ Marcus ♥ Melinda ♥ Ming Zhen ♥ Mr Ang ♥ Mr Sng ♥ Muhammad ♥ Natasha ♥ Natasha Tan ♥ Noorul ♥ Nora ♥ Pei Xuan ♥Priyanka ♥ Rebecca ♥ Sanjeev ♥ Samantha Lai ♥ Samantha Quek ♥ Samuel Chan ♥Samuel Sum ♥ Sarah ♥ Saranya ♥ Shahidah ♥ Shelton ♥ Shirlene ♥ Siti ♥ Sin Fai ♥ Syifa ♥ Tiffany ♥ Ting Chiang ♥ Vanessa ♥ Wenn Er ♥ Xue Yi ♥ Wen Xin ♥Yang Zhi ♥ Zerline ♥ Zhi Hui Rewind November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 Thanks Basecode: /♥s}summerkisses} Designer: ♥bangthewall. |