Thursday, July 30, 2009 Y 6:16 PM i say things are mega scary right now! everyone is falling sick, like seriously EVERYONE. i am wondering if they will even be like 10 people in class tomorrow! this is rather scary its like everyone is getting affected O: oh no right! anyway, chem revision is not going well at all. i'm lie dying just trying to get some chem stuff into my head. it just doesn't stay! and like i ca't seem to make it work out ): sigh. i really really hope its postpoed! PLEASE:D afterall you can't have the test with like half the class gone can you? Y 9:46 AM hello! omgsoh this is amazing! bloggers working well again! YAY. this is awesome:) hahaha. anyway, i'm at home today! hahaha. i'm glad that i made the decision to stay home. hahaha. yesterday was bad bad bad! my nose was super red and then like i was sneezing like man. 7 packets of tissue you know! my new record:D hahaha. but then i was like really scared that i had h1n1 so i went to see the doctor yesterday but YAY i'm fine! i never knew i could be so paranoid! i took my temperature myself quite a few times! O: hahaha. anyway, i'm having a great rest at home! really scared for like geog results though ): Ah. ![]() ![]() hahaha. oh gosh. look at my face O: HAHAHA. i think it was because my shoe got stolen. yes. ![]() Friday, July 24, 2009 Y 6:39 PM
Thursday, July 23, 2009 Y 6:28 PM HELLO! i don't know why but my blogger is having some problems): AH so i was unable to post yesterday! O: but well, HAPPY BRITHDAY CHRISTINE! hahaha. eeek. dance today was ah. haha. my hand and leg coordination cannot make it. hahaha. and then the guys came so well, ramesh just like laughs at me whenever he sees me ): hehe. anyway, INDIEVENTURE IS FINALLY OVER:D hahaha. its so nice to see everything done! haha. so proud of all of us! haha. wea're an AWESOME group! YAY. hahahaha. so jiayou friends:) i hope everything goes well! HEHE. i'm going purple! WHOO. Wednesday, July 22, 2009 Y 8:17 PM Sunday, July 19, 2009 Y 2:25 PM life's been "meh" i don't know, here comes another fairly emo post. hahaha. well, i got back like chem, maths and chinese review test results back and they were real bummers. not that i'm like incredibly unhappy with them, but just that i'm overcome with disappointment. i don't believe that my life is just about studies and results but it seems like ever since i've came to Vj, it is a very big part. Ah well. i've got to move on from the bad experiences to come back even stronger. but i'm really really scared you know. i just realised, how can you ever be assured that what you have done is enough? you can't. you just got to try and try and do your best. jiayou:) everytime i go to church, i feel more connected to god. its as though through the week i just push god aside. with so mnay things to do, and things on my mind, i can't manage. next week is Indiventure week! i hope it'll be fun:D a breather to the usual "mark orientated schooL". its not graded:D hehe. i'm doing where's wally and my group seems fun too so i'm looking forward to it:D HEHE. hmm, updates on the week:D tuesday was awesome:) met up with alex, mel and sam! hahaha. it was so much fun! can't post the photos though because my usb cable and phone don't seem to like each other ): wednesday BIG BIG BLOW. eek. chinese is to hard for me. thursday! haha. had my first dance elective session. hahaha, everyone seems to still be rather shocked that i'm doing dance. i'm really shocked myself. hahaha. but my reason, "i was possessed". but i guess it wasn't so bad. haha. though surrounded by my friends that just kept laughing and were so eager to see my dance, and my other really really pro friends in dance, it was okay:D haha. like louisa kept trying to look at me while like doing stretching. haha. friday i can't remember. oh yes i do. so happy chinese project is finally over! i just hope that it was okay and our group did well because i seriously need it to pull up my chinese. if not there's a really high chance that i'll fail. and that kinda sucks ): happily bridged:D hehe. and that's all. Please give me the strength God to do what i may think is impossible. i seem more emo and down these days. haha. need to get back to my happy and perky self:) ah. i really don't want to get anymore tests back ): Tuesday, July 14, 2009 Y 7:51 PM YAY. i'm in a really really good mood now! hahahaha. today was AWESOME:D hehehehe. so thankyou so so much alex, mel and sam! haha. i love you guys uber a lot:) haha. i'll post tmr i hope:D there's too much to do today! sorry): Sunday, July 12, 2009 Y 10:10 PM its been a long time my friends! hahaha. i don't know i guess my down mood hasn't really got me much in the mood for posting. i mean i'm just like uh. NOTE: THE POST AHEAD IS A LONG ONE. BEWARE. RTs are finally over. i heave a sigh of relief but then again i'm overwhelmed with guilt. it isn't nice to know that you could have worked harder. i seriously feel i took it to likely. i mean 1 month+ 1 extra week? thats a whole lot of time. a lot of time that i could have made good use of but i didn't. i just wished that i had been more serioused. more focused. i expected to fail chinese i guess but hearing that i did is a bummer still. i don't know. chinese has the terrible effect on me. but i guess i still really have to push on. the battle's still not over. i have 1 and a half years to buck up. i need to pass O level chinese. i mean, 2 extra years of chinese and even more pressure is not worth it! haha. okay. i have to do some filling in! being away for so long is rather odd. hehe. friday was maths, the last day. haha. and well, the paper was horrendous. i had absolutely like no idea how to do like almost every question and i was just DYING. literally. i just kept skipping. and even those i attempted i didn't know what i was doing. AH. i have myself so irritating sometimes, like what, watching CRIMINAL MINDS before the paper! AHHHHH. though the serial car killer thing was cool though. hahaha. but no, not a saddistic person. but while watching it that day, i realised that for a killer, giving him the life sentence isn;t worth it. taking his life is not going to bring back the lives of all those he killed. killing him isn;t enough to punishment for what he's done. i know its cruel that he's put to death but its unfair. the people don't deserve to die. anyway yes so after like 1 and a half hours of struggling the paper ended and i don't know why. i started crying. i mean, i've never been the one to cry for academics. never. i would usually be comforting or like cheering people up but this time i was the one. idk. i don't think it is like my sudden change in attitude to like my studies and results. i don;t know. haha. but well i cried. i guess the week was really tough and the sudden blow was too hard to handle. i don't think i even did enough questions to give me a pass so its more or less a fail. i'm just worried that i will end up with a single digit. sigh. sometimes life's like that i guess. we can't expect it to be smooth sailing. or that things will always be perfect but we have to be strong. i know that. but its hard. hahaha. " God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow or days without rain. But God did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and a light for the way. And for those who believe in his kingdom above, He answers their faith with everlasting love. " haha. i love this quote :) yes so apart from the saddness i'll like to thank my AWESOME friends:) hahaha. the hugs did help as well as the comforting words! i really really appreciate it:D hahaha. ah, and for crying like twice in one day, i apologise. hahaha. but "emo girl" was weird! haha. thanks for waiting:) like 1 hour for my tearing to stop and for me to be well enough to go for lunch. hahaha. so like me, blenda, ram, sammie, camel, emo kid and justin went for lunch:) haha. it was rather gross okay. like milo+curry+ketchup+chilli+bread+mc chicken left overs+ random food packaging+ fries+ ice+ lettuce+ a lot more random and disgusting stuff to not make an awesome concoction. hahaha. but we realised if like you drain it right, the liquid that comes out (brown) does look a whole lot like milo. hahaha. and then david like ate some and drank some. EW. hahaha. was it was rather funny to watch:) and then like there was the sudden like lets go bowling? sammie and justin left then we went walk walk walk walk walk till like forever, till we found the bowling alley. and then like we found there was some chinese society event thing. hahaha. the people were all like really really old too O: hahaha. so like all the lanes were taken ): we went up to like the super ulu arcade above it with like almost no one. this there was this punching thingy so i went to like push its stomach and the machine started making this really really loud noise as though it was spoiled and then the terrible recording started playing till the guy game to do something. hehe. itchy fingers:) hmm, we realised that like camel and emo kid hhave inner anger! or something like that. hahaha. though camel and pro fingers. playing some weird music game which had like super weird songs and very odd covers. hahah. the cantonese song was rather unbearable. haha. so on our journey to find a place to bridge, we realised that so many people are against GAMBLING! haha. though like bridging is not gambling but ya. HAHA. you know like at marine bowl, the house rules "no gambling" and then in the arcade we looked at the like window and then there was "no gambling" so we went to the beach. and bridged at the bench there. hahaha. where i created my awesome song that was oh so catchy! "depression, depression, we're all falling into depression" hahaha. don't be concerned i am fine :) haha yes so after that we returned to the bowling alley where we found it was booked till 10.30? so we table soccered then went to the playground where we bridged, AGAIN:) hehe. and then it was time to head home:) oh did i mention that i was speaking chinese to blenda! hehehe, its quite fun you know! dawn is actively trying to improve her chinese:D haha. and then i had a kinda emo yet not very. haha. then suddenly jianyou started talking to me. after like a year + and asked me if i was okay. hahaha. it was really funny you know. hahaha. but natasha reasoned that its because i'm not expected to be emo so when i am, its scary. haha. YAY, but thanks dear for like talk, i feel a lot a lot better now though i don't think it was exactly that good a time. haha. 12-2am is not that ideal. haaha. SATURDAY:D okay so like sleeping at 2,30 and waking up at 7 is not good. but i went for floorball! haha. met the guys at school then we went like to valhall. haahha. the guys were sharing umbrellas. i was very cute you know. hahaha. i was laughing. hehe. anyway the rain was really heavy and we were stuck outside like the place so we went to seek shelter somewhere else with a lot of weird guys wearing headbands. haha. yes anyway floorball was fun! hahaha. haven't touched my stick in like ages. so well i am scarred with the most terrible body ache ever!!! hahaha. no excercise for 1month isn't good. so well i am in great pain and i walk funnily. haha. mummy says that i am making myself seem like i am the oldest in the family and win gor gor says that i act as though i;m pregnant. hahaha. though clearly not. can't believe there is PE tmr! O: unfit for running i tell you. SUNDAY church! haha, and daddy just left for germany! safe trip daddy:D MIGTHY TO SAVE Everyone needs compassion, Oh yes congrats natsha for being the new EDS head and wenxin too! hahaha. love you both:D Saturday, July 11, 2009 Y 12:04 AM its hard to say its alright when sometimes its not Saturday, July 4, 2009 Y 10:24 AM why do i feel so dead? this needs to get better! i have 3 days left before review tests start! 8 papers! O: and jiayan calculated like for a normal paper, because its 40% of CA2, it will be like 12% of year end. OH MY THAT IS A LOT RIGHT! hmm, but techinically, if CA1 has more weightage thanCA2, that would mean the tests in the previous sem were more important, THEN WHY ARE WE STUDYING SO HARD FOR REVIEW TESTS? i don't kn0w. eeek. there is so much things left to do! i hope i don't die after like all this. bui. its gonna be a hard week, but i'm sure we'll all pull through! jiayou my friends:D i apologise but i think my blog may be dead for the next week. haha. there won't be posts but tag replies should be fine. hahaha. it depends on my DISCIPLINE. i rather not reply actually. that would mean dawn is not on the com! YAY. hahaha. see how it goes:D Tag replies! louisa: hahaha, if you think its untrue then you're in denial man! hahahaha. you clearly talk more than the 3 of them! i do too:D see i admitted it:D hoe kang: hahaha. BUT BRIDGE IS SO NICE! haghaha. i'm studying! okay maybe not that much. but i will. don't pressurise me): shirlene: oh no how come? hahaha. but sleeping is nice:) hehehe, anyway, HOW DID YOU DO? you got back results yesterday right? lorraine: hahaha, you're welc0me:D i'm happy to help! hahaha. i don't agree with the maths pro thingo. i may fail ): really i got cursed by samuel you know! thankyou though! hehehe. you make me feel smarter than i really am :) noorul: hahah. YAH. i happened to me quite a lot of times before! hahaha. but you know like 1 time i won! like the bid was 2 and i won all 8 sets by myself! hahha. i was very very happy:D Thursday, July 2, 2009 Y 4:25 PM some things just get so complicated. i don't know why. oh well, i feel as though its like after review tests you know, staying back to play bridge, going for ice cream, planning lunch outings! thats like so celebration. but somehow i seem to be finding myself with like my review tests NEXT WEEK. yes, next week, and i must say, I AM NOT PREPARED. ah ah ah eeeee. oh but i must try my best to be hardworking! must get things done:) and must do well! AH. jiayou jiayou jiayou. i'm gonna put on serious thinking caps already! YES I AM. hahaha. jiayan: hahaha, you were talking! when i was trying to listen out for chem! hahaha. sorry dear ): jylou: hahaha. total spamming you know! and and and... i do not wish to be reminded of chinese incident. i mean, chinese = bad you know ): lou: hahaha. are you sure you want to say that! I AM TALLER THAN YOU:) whee me. hahaha noorul: yes i do. hahaha. because it is so nice!!!! hahaha. erm, i don't know who you are talking about. hahaha shirlene: hahah, yes i am! very bad right! hahah. yes i remember bridge season! hahaha. i miss it a lot a lot a lot! and i miss you a lot a lot a lot too:D natasha: NO, its :D and i saw your post! you're welcome:D cheer up dear! AND YES, TILL NEXT WEEK:D hahaha. |
Boom. Its ME ![]() I'm Dawn and I love to SMILE:) 29091994 VJC 09v11:] HAHAHA. ShoutMix chat widget Friends 6a ♥ 6A FORUM ♥ 2POWER ♥ GUIDES :D ♥ IXORA! ♥ VOLUX ♥ 09v11! ♥ 08v11 ♥ FLOORBALL ♥A bigail ♥ Alice ♥ Ashikin ♥ Beaunice ♥ Cassandra ♥ Charmanine ♥ Cheng Hong ♥ Chi Yan ♥ Chloe ♥ Christine ♥ Chun Shu ♥ Clara ♥ Hoe Kang ♥ HuayWen ♥ Irene ♥ Jerlene ♥ Jian You ♥ Jia Yan ♥ Jie Pin ♥ Jolene ♥ Justin ♥ Lin Hui ♥ Li Xin ♥ Lorraine ♥ Mandy ♥ Marcus ♥ Melinda ♥ Ming Zhen ♥ Mr Ang ♥ Mr Sng ♥ Muhammad ♥ Natasha ♥ Natasha Tan ♥ Noorul ♥ Nora ♥ Pei Xuan ♥Priyanka ♥ Rebecca ♥ Sanjeev ♥ Samantha Lai ♥ Samantha Quek ♥ Samuel Chan ♥Samuel Sum ♥ Sarah ♥ Saranya ♥ Shahidah ♥ Shelton ♥ Shirlene ♥ Siti ♥ Sin Fai ♥ Syifa ♥ Tiffany ♥ Ting Chiang ♥ Vanessa ♥ Wenn Er ♥ Xue Yi ♥ Wen Xin ♥Yang Zhi ♥ Zerline ♥ Zhi Hui Rewind November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 Thanks Basecode: /♥s}summerkisses} Designer: ♥bangthewall. |