Monday, August 31, 2009 Y 10:17 PM ![]() I AM WATCHING MING ZHONG ZHU DING WO AI NI AND I HAVE TO SAY, ANNA IS GROSS! I CANNOT TAKE IT. SHE IS DIS-GUST-TING!!! CRUEL, GROSS AND OH MY GOSH, TOTALLY EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. i am so disgusted. ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah. gross! hehe. just got home:) hahaha, okay back on track! HAHAHA. I FOREWARN AND SUPER SUPER DUPER LONG BLOGPOST! hahahaha. i don't know why there's just so many things that i want to write about! HEHE. and i have lost my laziness:) hahaha. i am HIGH now because of the show, that is ah well OH SO SAD NOW): hehe, okay i'm rather behind time but i will talk about things since erm thursday!:D bare with me:D THURSDAY! hehehe, it was ram ram's birthday! HAHHA. and the super super awesome awesome us got him a guitar! HAHAHA. its so pretty okay! all white:D and you could tell he was very happy! HEHE. lucky him is in CANADA now! stupid piggy! HAHAHA. but anyway, yes it was so fun! HEHEH. oh but its like VS tradition to like tau pok the birthday boy and all so like he was tau poked a million times until his tee shirt was like all black and dirty and then he was carried all around! HAHAHA. but the funniest is the FOUNTAIN SCENE! hehehehe. one. two. three. he's literally hanging on for his life okay! hahahaha. then natasha and wen xin came to Vj! HEHEHEHHE. so fun:D and we toured like popular and everything! HAHAHA. super funny. me and natasha stood at the post it section for like 15min just trying to decide what colour post-its to buy! HAHAHA. and and i just realised, STITCH HAS CHEST HAIR! its so funny! SEE SEE! HAHAHA. we were saying like it isn't a good influence on little kiddies! HAHAHA. after they go up to their father or weird uncles and go "you got chest hair like stitch? i want to touch!" HAHAHAHA, super funny! HAHAHA. and that is where i got the most AWESOME NOTEBOOK IN THE WORLD! isn't it beautiful? HAHAH. natasha thinks i'm a weirdo because i smile to like my notebooks but oh gosh. IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL! hehe :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D (i deleted it by accident: WHOOPS) hehehehe. so we spent like a really really long time at macs:D erm supposedly "doing work" HAHAHA. okay. i am suddenly creeped out! i'm watching like criminal minds now. SERIAL KILLER): love you guys! HEHEHEHE. you make my life happy:D FRIDAY! HEHEHEHE. SWENSENS ICE CREAM BUFFET! hahahahah. it was really really so nice:D though i totally don't think that i ate my worth. but its so nice:D HAHAHAH. all the phone was so awesome! and we had like a family outing:) HEHEHE. erm saturday and sunday skip, so erm, TODAY!!! HAHAHAH. its so so so awesome:D its so nice to meet everyone:) hehehehe. like the WHOLE DAY IS SO SO AWESOME:D okay i tired. its not gonna be on today! WAHAHAHA. until tmr friends! okay i'm back! hahaha. so in the morning right, we had the class party kinda thing were we had cake! and a lot a lot of wonderful chips:D HAHAHA. mr leonard is very funny! (picks up twistees and puts it in his mouth) Mr L: tasty Mr L: it is purple flavoured Mr L: what is purple falvoured (turns packet over) Mr L: ah i see. its tomato falvoured. us: its DUH TOMATO. hahaha. anyway the concert was so awesome like the drama and then the singing and then the videos and then the bands and then DANCE! hehehe. i screamed for you all okay. alone somemore! HAHAHAH. anyway, it was awesome friends! very very cool:D HEHEHEHE. and the costumes were all so preety! HAHA:D well done! so then after that i rushed and cabbed with syifa, ayushi and chloe to cedar only to find that like tge cab ride was super long and was totally taking us by the long long way but i guess it was still okay!:D HAHAHAHA. cos we got there rather fast still? but you know, our cab got koped twice! i mean we were totally like the first ones standing there! then like 2 groups of people came and stood like right in front of us, then they get the cab and somemore when they entered they were laughing like mad with like no guilt at all! HMPH. that was so mean): so then i got to cedar and it was nice being back:D hahaha. its really been so long you know! i guess the whole feel of the school is so so different! HAHA. but its nice going back and seeing everyone. i missed the place a whole lot. like somehow though how noisy and crazy everything may be, you still think the place is like home:D HAHA. so i met a lot a lot of people and hugged them! YAY noorul and shirlene:D hahaha. going back you feel like a "star" because was people see you they start shouting and run up to you to hug you, its so nice and warm and AWESOME a feeling:D you can't understand unless you have experienced it! haha. met mr ang too! where i happily informed him that i was "failing math" ): hahaha. but you know he won an award again! gosh. everybody does love mr ang! HAHAHA. most dedicated teacher man. hahaha. so okay, then i took a cab with chloe to eunos. why i have no idea? because we ended up like taking the exact route as like 26 only that we had to pay like 7 times the price and i don't think it was much faster! HAHAH. but i think it was so an impulse decision because like after waiting so long for a cab at Vj we saw a cab and immediately went "oooh oooh" and got in. HAHAHAH. but its still okay:D i got to YNPS rather early! heheheh. though they totally didn't allow us in at all it was nice:D because everyone was reunited and all though outside! so then we entered and like we were starving so we went to like buy food. CHICKEN RICE IS 80 cents! hahaha. all of us were like OHMYGOSH! hahaha. but i must say the serving is puny! HAHAHA. nice food though but i tell you i could totally have eaten like 2 shares okay! SO LITTLE. hehehe. i am a monster compared to all the little kiddies! HAH. they were so small:D see see i'm tall! so in total i met: li xin, jie pin, xue yi, li ting, natasha, wen xin, sim lin, wei han, hoe kang, shelton, chan an, kelvin, samuel, sin fai and ben i think so? sorry if i missed out anyone! HAHAHA. ohgosh. i just got a heart attack! my brother calls me so i turn around, and then i see him wearing like a really really really weird tie! its all blue and has homer simpson plastered all all over the tie each with a different facial expression! IT IS SO WEIRD I TELL YOU! hahaha. okay were was i? so we met ms chua! WAHAHAHA. she still remembers me! am i awesome or what huh? haha. she stills calls me a bird though because my voice is supposedly "chirpy". and then we got treated ice cream:D hehe. thankyou ms chua! erm after that like jie pin, simlin and wei han left then we went to hoe kang's house! :D haha. its so sad that he is shifting okay, because so many happy 6A memories were spent there! O: \ anyway we watched HSM1 and 2 because it was showing on disney! HAHA. i think its really cheesy but i guess its still so sweet! HAHAHA. HSM1 just reminds me so much of 6A and our graduation and just everything that brings back such awesome memories:D played bridge were i was on a major losing streak too! i lost 4 out of 5 games okay): DISSAPOINTMENT. the cards do not like me! ): hahaha. and there was pizza! that was really really really expensive okay! like 74 bucks? hahaha. sorry and major major thanks to hoe kang:D haha. who kinda treated all of us! YAY:D hahaha. so then erm after that went to ice cream chefs for dinner with natasha, hoe kang, sin fai, samuel and chan an. wen xin had to leave): but it was really really fun and the food was so awesome:D hahaha. i just realised we were such a mixed bunch! hahaha. one from VJ, one from DHS, one from HCI, one from RI, one from VS and one from chung cheng! HAHAHAHA:D so cool! so we laughed and laughed and laughed. it was so full of candids and random photos! HAHA. i totally won the staring competition with "guai shu shu" HAHAHAHA. then i went home:D hahahaha. it was such a fun day really! having different groups are nice because really each one of them are special:D love you all! observe the similarity between guy standing near poster and boy in the poster! HAHAHAHA.
the remake. one. three. Friday, August 28, 2009 Y 2:21 PM Thursday, August 27, 2009 Y 10:17 PM "all that jazz!" hahahaha. i'm very very very tired now): BOO BOO BOO BOOO. ahahahaha. but today was lots and lots of fun:D okay but i'm too tired so i won't post today, hahahaha, tmr then!:) Wednesday, August 26, 2009 Y 9:57 PM hello! my hands hurt from writing): BOO. my skins all dried up and my hands red! O: BOO BOO. hahahaha. anyway, guess what? I AM GOING TO WATCH MY AWESOME TAIWANESE DRAMA NOW!:D hahahahaha. anyway, this is kinda overdue, but you know what, I THINK I AM COOL! hahahaha. uber uber cool man:D hahahaha. see the awesome me has so many words and phrases after my name! HAHAH. the DAWN vocabulary list. dawnism: a supposedly "incurable disease" that makes someone be like dawn! HAHAHA. dawn-ness: a situation where you are the only one in a group of the other gender. erm for eg, only girl in a group of guys or the only guy in a group of girls. like err, little china boy! HAHAHA. who is totally a girl-guy deird: term by jiayan. dawn+deird = weird. "thats so dawn": a term to mean something that is very me-like! HAHAHA:D YAY! hahahaha. and sorry natasha, you're still not cool! BOOO BOO. but yay you see you get a feature on my blog! HAAHAHAHA! hahahaha. tomorrow i'm getting visitors!:D HAHAHAHA. and ooh ohh, its ramesh birthday tomorrow! HAHAHA. i'm making 2 cards for you okay so be happy man! i'm so nice to you:) okay but now i shall go to my ultra emo-ness! ): I TELL YOU OF ALL DAYS, IT HAS TO BE ON MY BIRTHDAY. i'm unlucky!!! PURE PURE UNLUCKY OKAY): sigh. wen i saw the schedule i almost felt like crying): SIGH. i don't know. its 4 hour long paper and AHHHHHHHH. wonderful way to celebrate my birthday. i don't know, i just asked for anything but chinese): and then I GOT IT): BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. i believed the my birthday will be full tears): chinese makes me emo and sad. oh ya. the chinese test today. ah. i have no comment. but i feel bad. eek eek eek. i can't believe the EOYs are coming so soon. its quite shocking really. i don't feel the least bit prepared. because not only does EOYs mark the terrible season, it also shows how the year's about to end, how i'm one year older and how i'm moving on. haha. change is scary. but after all, the only constant thing in the world is change. HAHAH. so yeap, i'm going to embrace it. i just hope that i can be prepared for the EOYs! i don't want to regret:D so i've really got to work hard! don't let yourself down dawn! your only competitor is yourself. so jiayou! be disciplined and work hard okay! "i can do all things through christ who strengthens me" Saturday, August 22, 2009 Y 2:16 PM HAHAHAH. i just realised this really AWESOME snipping tool! i can't belive i have been deprieved of it all this while! HAHAH. here are my awesome art pieces. HEEHEE. staring lorraine:D Thursday, August 20, 2009 Y 10:09 PM hello i still think i am DOOMED. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. doomness! how is dawn going to do all her work? O: HOW. okay but days going to be focused from now one!:D HAHAHAHA. and erm i think i counted wrongly! it should be like 39 days to EOYs! haha. yeap:D must chiong dawn must chiong! hahahah. surprisingly dance wasn't so bad today! HAHAHA. i think i actually got it:D a little at least! HAHAHA:) but my evil friends made my be in thr front role. hahaha. oh and i was dumped into our plastic fountain thingo. hahahaha. but its actually really spacious i realised. hahaha. i can sit comfortably inside it!:D hehehehe. okay i need to go and do my LA and like my chinese now. and then there's bio. and then LA. AHHHHH. but nvm, everything is possible!:D " i can do all things through christ who strengthens me" Wednesday, August 19, 2009 Y 11:27 PM hahahahah. this is so funny i can't help but post it here! my brother's famous! O: HAHAHAHAHAHAH. ![]() thats all! anyway, the awesome me is done with LA! HAHAHA. just stuck with chinese and LA left. oh dear. dental tmr! :D and erm dance ): Y 7:41 PM i say oops for the double posting but eh i'm too lazy to edit it. oh well then:D hahahah. anyway, today was great i guess. wednesdays are awesome when there a no tests! :D hehehe. anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIAYAN! hahaha. this is your awesome post dedication:D:D:D ![]() hahahaha, my friend who's 100% weird, who's overly high, really scary at times and likes to twist my skin and draw weird viruses on me, and my BBP, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! hahaha. i hope you loved your little chip board because it was made with love from all of us:D hehehe. just wishing you the most awesome birthday ever because its the first one spent with us here in VJ:D love you! but sigh, i feel so stressed you know.there's like so so much to do and the work doesn't really end. ah. its like a roller coaster, there's ups and downs and sometimes even spin arounds. but how? i don't know how to survive. AH. too much work and too little time. dawn's suffering from a work over load. nvm, jiayou! i've gotta count on God:) Shepherd of my soul I give you full control, Wherever You may lead I will follow. I have made the choice to listen for Your voice, Wherever You may lead I will go. Be it in a quiet pasture or by a gentle stream, The Shepherd of my soul is by my side Should I face a mighty mountain or a valley dark and deep, The Shepherd of my soul will be my guide. tag replies! :D LOU: lou you're a joke! HAHAHAH. but i've already told you that its samantha. hahha. can't you tell? HAHAHAHA. JIAYAN: hehehe. posted!:D and haha, i didn't notice :X NATASHA: hahaha. yeah, but now my spelling is really really atrocious! aww, thanks dear:D hahaha. erm not doing so well. HAHAH. but i'm okay:D oh and we need to meet up SOON. before like its too late O: oh and what happened to your phone? SAM: hahahaha. thankyou!:D you too:) hahahah. yes i totally agree:D hehe J: ooh. cool man! hahaha. i had a thought provoking post! meaning thats art! WHOO. hahha. i'm happy that it impacted you! and you're welcome:) hahaha. god bless you too! :D 37 days to end-of-years 38 days to my birthday HOW SWELL Sunday, August 16, 2009 Y 10:24 PM YES! ohmygosh this is so overdue! HAHAHAHAHA. BLOGGER IS FINALLY WORKING FOR ME! at least on like internet explorer only but doens't matter because this is AWESOME! i have been deprieved from blogging for so long man! HEHEHE. great awesomeness! i'm suddenly high. hahahaha, anyway, school's been good! HAHAHA. though mr leonard totally told us that it would be hell for like the next few weeks. i do agree. loads and loads of assignments are coming in. and oh well, not exactly doing so well ya? HAHAHAHA anyway, my friends are such a hilarious much! HAHAHAHA. quote of the day (courtesy of Louisa) FOUR-SI-DA-GON. lou: oh oh its a foursidagon us: you mean, SQUARE? lorraine: you know what is a ten sided figure? lou: no, you know meh. lor: yeah, its a decagon lou: OH SHIT. i thought you don't know. HAHAHA lou, even though it was a long time ago, you still make me laugh (: hahahahaha. kinda late very sadly! anyway to more serious things, sammie starts filling my head with DEEP thoughts and i guess today in church too. i don't know if i'll be able to come out as a "finished" product that is pleasing to God. i don't know. i guess we just got to endure. endure the hardships or whatever may come our way because we know that in the end, we'll come out good, and strong, and just for God. i gotta start getting serious. its 41days to the exams. but i guess you never know if anything is certain in the future. i say i work so hard day by day because i want a good future but then again you never know when your life may end. anything can happen to me when i least expect it to. i could get knocked down by a car and get into an accident, or get shot by some crazy person or even killed by a serial killer. i'm not cursing myself but YOU NEVER KNOW. mummy told me that the most uncertain thing in life is "death". i constantly tell myself that everything else can wait, that after i finish this piece of work, or this group of assignments, or this tough time, that i'll start focusing on God, but really i'm just procrastinating. Anytime now Jesus may be coming back to Earth and i've got to be prepared. but my priorities aren't right now. i need to become a better chrisitian and help spread god's word to everyone else:D i want to be a better christian, i want to be a better person i want to be a better student. but i'm not perfect. i can't do everything i want to do. but i can make the most of life. after all life is just about putting in my best:D SEIZE THE DAY MY FRIENDS. i've got to live each day as though its my last. for very well, it may be. NOTE: hahaha. not emo at all. just thinking deep. MY FRIENDS YOU NEED NOT BE CONCERNED. and i'm not dying or anything. HAHAHAHHA. ah yes. and i gotta improve my spelling. or i will forever be known for my terrible spelling. MAN. hahaha. finally finished like the chinese A-Z zuo wen and then for F i wrote "fourty-four" and then mummy was like "you spelt 44 wrongly" then i was like "AH AH AH" then she said, "aiyo chinese teacher nvm one, she won't know" but that still doesn't help it! MY SPELLING IS ATROCIOUS! O: ms chua i need you back (: HEHEHE. now i spam photos! though i should toally be doing so so so many other things right now counting mega busy schedule! oh ya. tmr is bowling day! AWESOME:) oh and i know its kinda late but good luck my friends for you common tests!:D dawn's rooting for you! :D hahah, okay i don't have a lot of time. these gotta make do! :D ![]() YES! ohmygosh this is so overdue! HAHAHAHAHA. BLOGGER IS FINALLY WORKING FOR ME! at least on like internet explorer only but doens't matter because this is AWESOME! i have been deprieved from blogging for so long man! HEHEHE. great awesomeness! i'm suddenly high. hahahaha, anyway, school's been good! HAHAHA. though mr leonard totally told us that it would be hell for like the next few weeks. i do agree. loads and loads of assignments are coming in. and oh well, not exactly doing so well ya? HAHAHAHA anyway, my friends are such a hilarious much! HAHAHAHA. quote of the day (courtesy of Louisa) FOUR-SI-DA-GON. lou: oh oh its a foursidagon us: you mean, SQUARE? lorraine: you know what is a ten sided figure? lou: no, you know meh. lor: yeah, its a decagon lou: OH SHIT. i thought you don't know. HAHAHA lou, even though it was a long time ago, you still make me laugh (: hahahahaha. kinda late very sadly! anyway to more serious things, sammie starts filling my head with DEEP thoughts and i guess today in church too. i don't know if i'll be able to come out as a "finished" product that is pleasing to God. i don't know. i guess we just got to endure. endure the hardships or whatever may come our way because we know that in the end, we'll come out good, and strong, and just for God. i gotta start getting serious. its 41days to the exams. but i guess you never know if anything is certain in the future. i say i work so hard day by day because i want a good future but then again you never know when your life may end. anything can happen to me when i least expect it to. i could get knocked down by a car and get into an accident, or get shot by some crazy person or even killed by a serial killer. i'm not cursing myself but YOU NEVER KNOW. mummy told me that the most uncertain thing in life is "death". i constantly tell myself that everything else can wait, that after i finish this piece of work, or this group of assignments, or this tough time, that i'll start focusing on God, but really i'm just procrastinating. Anytime now Jesus may be coming back to Earth and i've got to be prepared. but my priorities aren't right now. i need to become a better chrisitian and help spread god's word to everyone else:D i want to be a better christian, i want to be a better person i want to be a better student. but i'm not perfect. i can't do everything i want to do. but i can make the most of life. after all life is just about putting in my best:D SEIZE THE DAY MY FRIENDS. i've got to live each day as though its my last. for very well, it may be. NOTE: hahaha. not emo at all. just thinking deep. MY FRIENDS YOU NEED NOT BE CONCERNED. and i'm not dying or anything. HAHAHAHHA. ah yes. and i gotta improve my spelling. or i will forever be known for my terrible spelling. MAN. hahaha. finally finished like the chinese A-Z zuo wen and then for F i wrote "fourty-four" and then mummy was like "you spelt 44 wrongly" then i was like "AH AH AH" then she said, "aiyo chinese teacher nvm one, she won't know" but that still doesn't help it! MY SPELLING IS ATROCIOUS! O: ms chua i need you back (: HEHEHE. now i spam photos! though i should toally be doing so so so many other things right now counting mega busy schedule! oh ya. tmr is bowling day! AWESOME:) oh and i know its kinda late but good luck my friends for you common tests!:D dawn's rooting for you! :D hahah, okay i don't have a lot of time. these gotta make do! :D Wednesday, August 12, 2009 Y 6:01 PM HELLO i really really want to post about today! but i'm busy busy! and blogger sucks. so oh well ): Friday, August 7, 2009 Y 9:10 PM Hmm. I’m finding it a little hard to post on blogger now because the font that I see while typing is so terribly unbearable! O: hahahaha So well me is typing it out on Microsoft word with pretty fonts hahahaha Hmm hmmm, I feel rather odd now. I do not know why. But I’m clearly rejuvenated! I like got home at 3 and then I slept all the way to dinner :D hahaha. So awesome. Me bed loves me and I love it. I’m wondering if I am emo. But I must say today went great!:) I pigged a lot a lot a lot. Ate super super much. Ah. But its sad. So so so sorry noorul and shirlene and maybe chloe too! I didn’t manage to see you all. And then like you’re had to wait for me and then in the end shirlene had to go home and then AHHHHHH. I didn’t get to see you all! I’m sorry ): very sad too! But I promise shirlene I will go to you personally and deliever your present:D hahahaha. Must meet up soon! Hahaha. But imagining ramesh’s head rolling on the floor makes me laugh. And that cheers me up!:D hahahaha. Lunch was awesome meet up with alex, mel, sam and ming zhen totally sorry I made you guys come all the way to parkway to find me! Hahaha. But it was great hahahha. And I had my seaweed fries. WAHAHAHAHAH. Thankyou my friends you are awesome hahaha. Walked around parkway! You know I just realized that woah parkway does have like quite a lot of shops! Hehe. Saw preety turtle earings! Super adorable but clearly I can’t wear them. Haha. Okay I’m done. Dawn’s gonna start being serious. Because I don’t think I can take like failing. I mean, seeing the mark on the Chinese paper just melts my heart. As in not it a good way. Its like hot water that makes it dissolve ): okay doesn’t really make sense but you get my point. So oh well, dawn’s gonna step up her game! I hope hope so. But darn. I have a lot of homework. BOOOOO. The school needs to give us more free days. I have decided to be a loner. And stay at home on Monday:D I am so proud of myself. I tell you I keep going out I get NOTHING done! So whoo. Trying to be hardworking! Y 1:32 AM BOO PHYSICS. BOO. NOW I'M LIKE UBER UBER SLEEPY): sigh. can't believe i stayed up so much for this! O: hahahaha. but nvm, tmr is a great and awesome day:D Tuesday, August 4, 2009 Y 5:23 PM HOLLOW. ah. boohoohhooo. i don't know what to do. i feel empty. like real empty. ah what can i say, chem wasn't too good! O: but nvm, i move on. i really think i need a break though! HAHA. so great i should not go out on monday:) i shall relax and rest! because if not i don't know how i'll cope. its quite hard to be able to do things. i learnt this from lit:D itslikeacontinuouscycleofthingsoverandoveragainitslikethingscomeandcomeandcomebedone withoneprojectandthenanotherjustcomeseeekiwonderhowthingsgoitsasthoughtimepassesso fastimeanijustrealisedafewdaysagothatitsjustlikea2monthstillEOYcanyoubelievethat I WANT A BREAK. but as for now. i'm going to mug bio! i must and this is important. really really important. don't let yourself down anymore! okay. so tata friends:D jiayou!:D Monday, August 3, 2009 Y 10:04 PM TO EMO OR NOT TO EMO hahahaha. hmm hmm, i feel rather exhausted! HAHAHAHA. its super funny i guess, hehe. today was a really really fun day! :D haaha. but i'm worried that i'll be doomed. i mean chem tmr and like bio on wednesday?i don't think i'll be able to take it. HAHAHA. and oh well, you know i got back LA and literature. today. sigh. it was so BLEAHHHH. if you know what i mean. hahahaha. this is only if you understand dawn language! hahahaha. if you do i congratulate me because that means that you have spent enough time with me! hehe. but no i will not be emo. move on dawn! must be positive and jiayou:D okay. DO WORK. i am ending this post immediately. IMMEDIATELY. it is important. i don't want to disappoint me i guess. hiyoooooo anyway, i went for laser tech today! HAHA. it was really fun! tough the guns were kinda heavy. so we were like going around the field and like hiding and all. AND THE WONDERFUL ME WAS THE LAST MAN STANDING ON MY TEAM! wahahahaha. awesome:D but then i kinda ra out of amno and i got like 5 people trying to kill me at the same time): so them whooom, i died ): SAD SAD. but it was so fun! HAHAHA. oh oh and i killed this guy! because i was like hiding behind the bush and tree and couldn't be seen at all, he was standing there and i went BAM BAM BAM. he gave the totally shocked face cos he couldn't see me! AND THEN HE DIED! am i amazing or not:) hahaha. its awesome the feeling. but HAH, i am not going to become a serial killer though i totally don't mind world domination:) WAHAHAHA. oh and the guns have really really really funny sounds! like its super loud. and everytime you get shot it'll go "OOOWWWWWW" and then when you die, the screen like lights up and says "dead" and you get "OOOWWWWHHHHHHH" hahahaha. its funny! AHA. but we won the like second game so it was nice! hehehe. then went back to school and went for dinner:D heeehe. and i remebered my cookies this time:D hahah. i miss cedar:D can't wait for NDP:D whheeee. GUIDES GUIDES GUIDES:) if you see this, jiayou natasha! for your 3 tests:) love you dear:D okay i better end. quote of the day: "HAHAHAHAH. KEENA DAOED!" |
Boom. Its ME ![]() I'm Dawn and I love to SMILE:) 29091994 VJC 09v11:] HAHAHA. ShoutMix chat widget Friends 6a ♥ 6A FORUM ♥ 2POWER ♥ GUIDES :D ♥ IXORA! ♥ VOLUX ♥ 09v11! ♥ 08v11 ♥ FLOORBALL ♥A bigail ♥ Alice ♥ Ashikin ♥ Beaunice ♥ Cassandra ♥ Charmanine ♥ Cheng Hong ♥ Chi Yan ♥ Chloe ♥ Christine ♥ Chun Shu ♥ Clara ♥ Hoe Kang ♥ HuayWen ♥ Irene ♥ Jerlene ♥ Jian You ♥ Jia Yan ♥ Jie Pin ♥ Jolene ♥ Justin ♥ Lin Hui ♥ Li Xin ♥ Lorraine ♥ Mandy ♥ Marcus ♥ Melinda ♥ Ming Zhen ♥ Mr Ang ♥ Mr Sng ♥ Muhammad ♥ Natasha ♥ Natasha Tan ♥ Noorul ♥ Nora ♥ Pei Xuan ♥Priyanka ♥ Rebecca ♥ Sanjeev ♥ Samantha Lai ♥ Samantha Quek ♥ Samuel Chan ♥Samuel Sum ♥ Sarah ♥ Saranya ♥ Shahidah ♥ Shelton ♥ Shirlene ♥ Siti ♥ Sin Fai ♥ Syifa ♥ Tiffany ♥ Ting Chiang ♥ Vanessa ♥ Wenn Er ♥ Xue Yi ♥ Wen Xin ♥Yang Zhi ♥ Zerline ♥ Zhi Hui Rewind November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 Thanks Basecode: /♥s}summerkisses} Designer: ♥bangthewall. |